How Big Do Succulents Get? (A Complete Guide)

Do succulents get big? You bet they do! Many succulents can grow quite large, reaching up to 2 feet in height.

Choosing a succulent as your garden plant is a great idea if you’re looking for low-maintenance plants. The question is, how big do succulents get?

Please keep reading for detailed answers, tips on how to care for a large succulent, and some inspiration on where to put it in your yard.

How Big Do Succulents Get?

As we mentioned, succulents can range from small and dainty to large and in charge. The specific type of succulent will determine how big it can grow. For example, echeverias tend to be on the smaller side, while agaves can get quite large.

Many succulents grow faster than others. You need to choose the right succulent if you want it to stay small. Look for echeverias, sedums, and aeoniums. Agaves, aloes, and cacti are all good choices if you don’t mind them getting bigger.

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Of course, the size of your succulent will also be determined by how you care for it. If you want to keep your succulent small, don’t fertilize it and give it limited water. If you’re okay with your succulent getting bigger, provide it with plenty of water and fertilizer.

How Big Do Succulents Get

Generally speaking, the larger the succulent, the more water it will need. If growing a large succulent, ensure it gets at least one watering a week. You may need to water it more frequently in hot weather.

Succulents with large roots need more room to grow. If you’re potting your succulent, make sure the pot is large enough to accommodate the plant’s roots. Otherwise, your succulent could become pot-bound and won’t be able to reach its full size.

Finally, remember that some succulents can get quite big and may even outgrow their pots. If this happens, you can either replant your succulent in a larger pot or plant it in the ground.

Here is a list of some common succulents and their maximum height:

  • Echeveria: 12 inches
  • Sedum: 18 inches
  • Aeonium: 3 feet
  • Aloe vera: 4 feet
  • Agave: 6 feet

The sizes of succulents vary quite a bit! And these are just the maximum heights; most succulents will remain small unless growing conditions are ideal.

So if you’re considering adding a succulent to your garden, be sure to research and choose a type that will fit well in your space.

Tips for Caring for Large Succulents

Now that we’ve answered the question, “How big do succulents get?” you might wonder how to care for a large succulent. After all, these plants are known for being low-maintenance… but that doesn’t mean they don’t require any care at all.

Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • Water deeply, but less often. Large succulents have deeper roots than small succulents, so they need less frequent watering. Once a week should be sufficient.
  • Provide plenty of sunlight. Large succulents may require even more sunlight than the average succulent.
  • Fertilize monthly during the growing season. Use a succulent-specific fertilizer or a diluted all-purpose fertilizer.
  • Watch for pests and diseases. Large succulents are more susceptible to pests and diseases than small succulents, so check them regularly and take action if you see any problems.
How Big Do Succulents Grow

Inspiration for Where to Put Your Large Succulent

Now that you know how big succulents can get, you might wonder where to put them in your garden.

Here are a few ideas:

  • In the center of a succulent bed
  • An attractive focal point for a rock garden
  • In a large pot on the patio
  • As a border along a walkway

With the right care, your succulent will thrive and make a beautiful addition to your garden. Just remember to give it lots of sunlight and water it deeply, but not often.

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What Things Affect the Growth of Succulents?

The size of a succulent is determined by its species and how it is cared for. Some succulents, like echeveria, sedum, and aeonium, stay relatively small. Others, like agave, aloe, and cactus, can get quite large.


Your succulent’s size will be affected by how often it is watered. If you water it regularly, it will grow larger than if you let it dry out between waterings. The right watering schedule will depend on the succulent, the climate, and the soil.

Generally, succulents need to be watered once a week. However, they may need more frequent watering if the potting mix is very dry or if the weather is hot.


Fertilizing your succulent will also promote growth. However, it is important not to over-fertilize, as this can harm the plant.

Most succulents must be fertilized about once a month during the growing season. You can use a succulent-specific fertilizer or a diluted all-purpose fertilizer.


To grow, succulents require at least six hours of direct sunlight daily. Insufficient sunlight will cause a succulent to become etiolated or stretched out.

If you live in a climate with long, hot summers, you may need to provide some shading for your succulent during the hottest months.

Potting Mix

Your succulent’s growth will also be affected by the type of potting mix you use. You should use a well-draining mix since succulents are susceptible to root rot.

A good potting mix for succulents should contain a mixture of sand, gravel, and organic matter. You can also add some perlite or vermiculite to improve drainage.


Succulents prefer warm weather and will not tolerate frost. Temperature is another factor that can affect the growth of your succulent.

If you live in an area with cold winters, you must bring your succulents indoors or provide some other form of protection.

Pests and Diseases

Large succulents are more susceptible to pests and diseases than small succulents. Check them regularly and take action if you see any problems.

Insecticidal soap or neem oil can control aphids, mealybugs, scale insects, and spider mites that affect succulents.

Common diseases that affect succulents are root rot and fungal diseases. These can be controlled with fungicidal soap or a copper-based fungicide.

How Big Do Succulents Get

Do Succulents Grow Bigger in Bigger Pots?

One of the most common questions is, “Do succulents grow bigger in bigger pots?” The answer is yes…and no. It depends on the succulents. Some, like echeverias, can get pretty big (up to 2 feet in diameter!) regardless of the size of the pot they’re in.

When potted in a larger container, other succulents, such as sedums, keep their size. Sedums are a great option if you want a succulent that stays small.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If you’re looking for a succulent that will stay small but still has the potential to grow big, kalanchoes are a good choice. They typically only get to be about a foot tall but can spread out quite a bit.

Ultimately, it’s crucial to do your research before purchasing a succulent. Once you’ve found the one you like, check its tag or ask the nursery staff what size pot it needs. Your succulent will have the greatest chance of thriving – and staying the size you want it to be – if you do this!

How Big Do Mini Succulents Get?

As their name implies, mini succulents are much smaller than regular-sized succulents. Mini succulents range from one to five inches, depending on how small you define small.

With a little care and maintenance, these little plants can remain proportionate for many years.

Generally, mini succulents originate from already small varieties like Zebra Plants and Dwarf Aloes, but some require a little care to maintain their miniature size.

Look out for stems growing longer or even thickly than usual; this could be a sign they’ve exceeded their mini proportions and require careful trimming and re-potting.

The fact that these little guys can stay so big over the years is quite amazing, despite the need for occasional pruning and other maintenance.

How Big Do Succulents Get Indoors?

Growing succulents indoors will most likely result in them remaining smaller than if they were grown outdoors. Pot size will also affect how big your succulent gets. Small pots will limit the root growth and, therefore, your plant’s growth.

Soil type can also affect the succulent size. A rich, loamy soil will result in a larger plant than if the succulent were grown in sandy soil.

The amount of sunlight your succulent receives will also affect how big it gets. A plant that gets a lot of sunlight will grow faster and be larger than one that doesn’t get as much sun.

Ultimately, the size of your indoor succulent will depend on various factors. As a rule of thumb, if you want to keep your plant small, use a small pot and grow it in a sunny spot.

How Big Do Succulents Get Outdoors?

Succulents can grow quite large outdoors. Some species, such as the elephant foot yam, can reach up to six feet in height and width. Others, such as the donkey’s tail and jade plant, usually only grow to two or three feet tall.

Of course, the size of your succulents will also depend on how well you care for them. If you provide them with lots of sun, water, and nutrients, they’ll likely grow larger than if you neglect them.


So, how big do succulents get? It depends on the species and the growing conditions. Some succulents can get quite large, while others stay relatively small. 

Make sure you research and take good care of your succulent to ensure it stays the size you want.

Hopefully, this article answers your question. Do you have any tips on keeping succulents the right size? Could you share them with us in the comments?

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  • Jason Scott - Content Writer

    Jason Scott is a highly experienced gardening expert with a passion for helping people grow healthy, productive vegetable gardens. With years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of plant care and cultivation, Jason has become a trusted source of information and inspiration for gardeners of all levels.

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