6 Garlic Growing Stages (Here’s How Garlic Grows)

Have you ever been to a garden and wondered how garlic grows? Garlic is cultivated with great care and it takes several stages in its growth cycle before it is ready for harvest.

From planting the cloves, through growing the pods, to curing the garlic, each stage of development requires special attention and knowledge.

Throughout this post, we’ll discuss the various garlic growing stages, what to look out for and how to get the best results.

Read on to learn more about growing garlic organically and sustainably!

Basic Information about Garlic:

Scientific NameAllium sativum
Native RegionCentral Asia
Growth HabitHerbaceous
Culinary UsesFlavoring agent in various cuisines
Nutritional ValueHigh in vitamins and minerals
Health BenefitsSupports immune system, heart health
StorageStore in a cool, dry place
Harvesting SeasonLate summer to early autumn

Garlic Growing Stages and Life Cycle:

Can you consider that a few humans might not devour garlic because they suppose it makes you scent? Well, it could make you smell a piece.

However, a few consider that that is garlic’s herbal cleansing technique disposing of dangerous pollution via your pores. There are some domestic treatments to assist fight the scent. 

Firstly, ingesting lemon juice or lemons will assist with stinky breath. Secondly, including plenty of clean parsley in dishes covered with garlic will lessen the general garlic frame odor.

The power of garlic taste varies depending on the degree of increase and the range. Outlined are the distinct garlic growing stages levels and pointers on harvesting at every degree.

Watch this useful video guide on Garlic Growth Stages:

Video Credit: GrowVeg


Every garlic bulb commonly includes 6 and 15 cloves. Each clove acts as an unmarried seed for you, too, in time, to produce an entire bulb containing more than one clove. Garlic cloves aren’t seeds with inside the standard sense. 

Garlic has been cultivated and bred for its fine taste and bulb length for 4000 years, and over this time, it has misplaced its capacity to provide seeds which can be possible.

Some garlic types nonetheless produce vegetation. However, they generally tend to die off earlier than seeds are produced.

Cloves may be sown in fall or spring, relying upon the range. Fall sown types can continue dormant for up to three months before growing a shoot.

Garlic Growing Stages

All the motion in the course of this era takes place inside the root system, imparting a sturdy, healthful basis to take the garlic clove via the icy months.

Nature will cope with this technique for garlic planted in fall; however, spring-sown garlic might also want a piece of fridge assistance. Spring-sown cloves will expand roots quickly after planting accompanied through shoots around a month later.

The range Early Purple Wight is a fall-sown soft-neck garlic that matures early, from overdue May in hotter regions and early June in extra-northern zones. Shoots might not seem till overdue iciness; however, when they seem, they’re brief to expand.

Cristo is a garlic range that you may sow in fall or spring. Planting garlic in spring will produce shoots in some weeks, and plant life can have a shorter developing season.

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Spring Garlic Growing Stages (Green Garlic):

Spring or inexperienced garlic may be harvested while plant life has evolved tall lush inexperienced shoots and the younger bulbs underground aren’t completely formed. Green garlic may be harvested and used withinside the same manner you’ll use spring onions. 

The veggies have a clean garlic/onion taste and may be introduced to salads and sandwiches or used as a garnish. Spring garlic no longer has equal storage capability as cured mature bulbs and needs to be fed on clean or saved somewhere cool for as much as every week.


Garlic scapes are the changed flower stalks of hardneck garlic types. They are sturdy, frequently curly stems while younger, with an elongated, closed, pointed bud. Left to their devices, buds will open, forming a globe-kind allium flower. 

The formation of garlic scapes and vegetation diverts power from the bulb, so it is essential to put them off in case you need to develop massive bulbs. Scapes are normally a trademark that the garlic head may be prepared to reap in approximately a month.

Garlic scapes are a delicious bonus crop from the unmarried clove seed. They may be sauteed in butter, introduced to stir-fries, or blitzed to make a garlic scape pesto! The scapes are fine and clean. Alternatively, save it withinside the fridge for as much as every week or chop and freeze it in ice dice trays to apply later.

Young Bulb Stage:

If you want a few garlic and your crop isn’t always pretty mature, you may constantly harvest a bulb some weeks early. Young bulbs might not be as large as they could on a completely mature degree. However, you’ve got the advantage of being capable of devouring the younger inexperienced leaves. 

These immature younger bulbs have a clean garlic taste which could range in power from very sturdy to very mild. You may cover young garlic heads in wet, leathery pores and skin, which could usually shape the papery outer layers of a mature garlic bulb.

Like spring garlic and garlic scapes, younger bulbs will no longer save nicely and need to be used clean or saved someplace cool for as much as every week.

Mature Bulb Stage:

The mature bulb degree is simply what it is all approximately for maximum garlic growers. Social media is flooded in the early summertime season with snapshots of bumper harvests or, sadly for a few, crop failures. With garlic plant life, it is hard to recognize how much of a hit your harvest may be till you pull the bulbs out of the floor, except you’ve got an early sneak peek.

Mature bulbs need stout upright stalks with fleshy leaves, and the heads need to be enveloped in white, purple, or even pink papery skins. When they attain adulthood of their lifestyle cycle, the leaves will slowly start to yellow, in the long run turning brown and signaling that it is time to reap. 

Harvested bulbs may be used straight away or saved for longer use. These heads can have a sturdy taste. 

garlic growth stages

Flowering Stage:

When garlic bulbs have reached adulthood, the scapes can have unwound, pointing upwards, and the buds can have burst. This may reveal an average allium globe of more than one tiny white vegetation tinged with purple and frequently intermingled with small bulbils. 

These bulbils are immature garlic cloves that may be stored and used for developing garlic in destiny years. Bulbils have the advantage of being flawlessly tailored to your weather and absolutely disease-free.

Mature garlic bulbs of flowering stems may be small; however, it’s vital if you need to store flower seeds and/or bulbils. Flowers additionally produce garlic seeds that are small and black, like onion seeds. 

Unfortunately, garlic seeds are frequently no longer possible and can no longer germinate. Growing garlic from bulbils of garlic seeds calls for persistence as it could take three to four years to provide harvestable garlic bulbs from this method. It’s a good deal quicker to develop garlic from garlic cloves.

Also Read: Carrot Growth Stages

Harvesting Stage:

Harvest garlic bulbs while one-0.33 to 1/2 of the leaves of your garlic plant have grown to become yellow. Bulbs left withinside the floor too long will open, permitting soil and dampness to penetrate, growing the ability to rot while storing. 

Take care while harvesting garlic to avoid unfavorable the plant’s base. Harvest the whole plant, dismissing as much soil as possible, and lay the bulbs in an unmarried layer someplace nicely ventilated, shaded, and guarded against the factors. 

These heads will take multiple weeks to cure. The leaves, stems, and garlic head must be absolutely dry when prepared. Trim the leaves again and peel off the outermost papers to put off any final strains of soil and save someplace darkish and funky till needed. 

Select some of your largest, healthiest-searching bulbs to apply as seed for subsequent years.

Garlic Growth Stages Tips And Tricks:

One of the maximum essential factors in developing garlic is getting the soil, location, and spacing right. Plant garlic in a shiny sunny spot in fertile, moisture-retentive, free-draining soil. 

Garlic plant life no longer copes well with competing weeds so frequently hoe the plant area. Plant them at least eight inches (20cm) aside to prevent certain bulbs from competing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

How long does garlic take to grow?

Garlic planted in autumn takes 9 to 10 months to reach full maturity. Carnations planted in late winter or early spring will be ready for harvest in 5-6 months.

When is garlic ready to be harvested and eaten?

3 to 4 weeks after the garlic leaves are formed, signs that the bulbs are ready for harvest appear when the stems are flowering and/or when 1/3 to 1/2 of the leaves turn yellow.

What are the main garlic growing stages? 

Young Bulbs.
Mature Bulbs.

What parts of the garlic plant are edible?

Yes! Along with the leaves, the green shoots, or stems, that grow from those roots—more properly known as garlic scapes—are also edible. 

Can we eat the leaves of garlic plants?

Those pretty spiral stalks that form on top of the garlic in June are edible. Removing them will improve your garlic harvest! You will notice that it is stretching.


Garlic is universally loved and used in many ways around the world. You can use it in many different ways to prepare different dishes. Garlic leaves are great for garnishing and preparing salads and sauces. 

Garlic plants take a long time to grow, but they are very easy to grow with proper care. Above, we mentioned all the information you need about the growth stages of garlic and how to grow and care for it. We hope you found all the essential information.

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  • Keith Wilson

    Keith Wilson is a well-respected gardening expert and author with a passion for all things related to vegetable gardening. With years of experience in the horticultural industry, Keith has developed a deep knowledge of plant care and cultivation techniques that he shares through his writing.

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