Philodendron Rojo Congo Care & Growing Guide (Red Congo)

Philodendron Rojo Congo, aka Philodendron Red Congo, are foliage philodendrons. They have lush leaves along with their beautiful red stems, and the Rojo Congo will give you a Jungle without any issue.

Plus, they are perfectly spectacular because of their dramatic dark-reddish leaves. Caring for red philodendrons is easy, and it will make even a beginner plant collector feel like an experienced expert.

Heading into the article, We’ll cover all the highlights related to Philodendron Red Congos. Learn the basics of Red Congo plant care, including light requirements, watering frequency, and many other things, including troubleshooting the common problems you may encounter along the way.

Philodendron Rojo Congo Quick Information (w/Table):

Red Congo beauties are native to the tropical Americas and the West Indies. Mostly they are found in humid tropical forests, but generally, they can be found in various environments and elevations.

Philodendron Rojo Congo

Philodendrons are similar to vine-like plants. Their way of growing is to climb up a tree in the rainforest to get more light. Congo’s are called self-heading since they don’t require support like many other tropical climbing plants.

Basic InfoPhilodendron Rojo Congo
Common NamePhilodendron Rojo Congo
Scientific NamePhilodendron ‘Rojo Congo’
Plant TypeHouseplant
OriginHybrid cultivar (exact origin unknown)
SizeUp to 3 feet (90 cm) in height
Light RequirementsBright indirect light to partial shade
WateringAllow the top inch of soil to dry between watering
Temperature Range65°F to 85°F (18°C to 29°C)
HumidityModerate to high humidity preferred
Soil TypeWell-draining potting mix

Heading into the article, We’ll cover all the highlights related to Philodendron Red Congos.

Philodendron Rojo Congo Care:

Light and Placement Requirements:

As mentioned above, the Rojo Congo Philodendron is one of the easiest plants to care for. Place your plant next to a bright sunny window or even in a barely lit room. But remember to rotate your plant occasionally to ensure even growth.

The Rojo Congo Philodendron will grow finely in just about any room. At the same time, it will thrive in bright, indirect light but will be perfectly fine in extremely low levels of sunlight. Avoid placing your plant in direct sun because this will scorch the leaves.

Quick Reviewing Points:

  • The Red philodendron will be healthy in indirect light. You don’t need strong sun.
  • If you do have strong light, be sure not to keep it in direct sunlight for more than a half hour or so a day.
  • Too much shade will cause the leaves to become more green than red.

Related Article: Growing Medium for Plants

Watering Needs:

Philodendrons are tropical plants that love humidity, but this doesn’t mean they need a lot of water. 

philodendron rojo congo watering

Water the plant after checking the top inch of the soil for dryness by hand or equipment. Water moderately and regularly so the soil is consistently moist but not soggy. Clean the leaves occasionally by wiping them down with a soft, damp cloth.

Temperature and Humidity Preferences:

Rojo Philodendrons prefer warmer temperatures between 76°F – 86°F. Plant quality and growth rates start to decline if the temperature is too high. Moreover, cold temperatures should also be avoided when thinking of growing them.

Humidity is a huge requirement as they are rainforest natives. So, they grow well in standard indoor levels of humidity, about 60% – 90%.

Repotting of Philodendron Red Congos:

Tropical plants like these can live happily and healthy in the provided pot for up to a year. If you suspect the soil getting loose or if you notice the roots becoming overgrown, then it’s sure to get repotted.

Water the plant thoroughly in the pot, so the soil becomes completely loose. Then remove the plant for transplanting. Repot using rich, well-draining soil when your plant is ready to be repotted.

Read Also: Philodendron Bipennifolium Care & Growing (Expert Guide)

Soil Mix for Philodendrons:

If you’re repotting, you must know about philodendron soil mix.

Philodendron soil medium should have good moisture holding capacity and aeration. A peat-based soil with some perlite works well. A simple, basic recipe to get the job done would be 2/3 peat to 1/3 perlite.

Fertilizing the Philodendron Rojo Congo:

One of the tools for growing large, lush plants is fertilizer. Foliage plants like philodendrons will reward you with bigger and better leaves when they have regular applications of high nitrogen fertilizer.

Philodendron’s general fertilizer info:

The most common garden-variety plant fertilizers (pun intended) consist of a ratio of Nitrogen, (N) Phosphorus, (P) and Potassium (K).

Unhealthy Plant Signs:

You should always keep a check on your plant. Here are some observations and their causes: droopy leaves may be a sign of underwatering, while droopy yellow leaves may be a sign of overwatering. Brown, crispy spots on leaves may be a sign of too much direct sun.


It is usually not toxic, but the sap of this plant may irritate the skin. If ingested, it may cause a harmful reaction in pets.

Related Article: Philodendron Billietiae Plant Care (Proven Guide & Tips)

Philodendron Rojo Congo Propagation:

Philodendron Rojo Congo Propagation

Propagating the Red Congo requires some patience, but like most plant propagations, it is very simple and straightforward! Follow these instructions to propagate your Red Congo:

  • Select a stem to propagate – Using sharp, clean scissors or shears, cut a stem from the very base of the central stalk.
  • Place in water – Find a clear glass and fill it with water. Make sure only the plant’s stem is submerged in the water, and no leaves are sitting in the water. First, you should dip the cutting in the rooting hormone, increasing the chances and speed of the cutting forming its roots.
  • Place in a bright area – Avoid direct sun, and be patient! New roots may take a few weeks to begin forming.
  • Transfer to soil – After the roots are at least two inches long, transfer to indoor potting soil. A small pot is best that should not be larger than 6″ in diameter.
  • Keep watered – During the first few weeks, or until your plant feels firmly rooted in its soil, regularly water and drain your Red Congo. The soil should be just barely moist to the touch at all times.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is Philodendron Red Congo an uncommon plant?

Yes! The Philodendron Red Congo is a rare and uncommon plant. The philodendron red congo is considered a rare houseplant. Collectors highly seek it due to its unusual and striking red foliage.

How to care for a Philodendron Rojo Congo?

Water the plant regularly when the top inch of soil is dry. Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Clean the leaves at usual times by wiping them down with a soft, damp cloth.

How large does philodendron Congo Rojo grow?

This plant grows about 3 feet tall and wide at maturity. The red congo philodendron has an upright, shrub-type form.

Are the Philodendron Red Congo and Rojo Congo the Same plant?

These plants are the same in everything but slightly differ in size. The Philodendron Red Congo grows to about 3 feet while Rojo Congo grows to about 4 feet.

What is the growth speed of Rojo Congo?

They are usually slow-growing plants and can reach up to four feet tall indoors. Fertilize your Red Congo 1-2 times monthly in the spring and summer with indoor plant food.


With stunning green and crimson leaves sprouting from a single central stem, the Red Congo is at once as elegant as it is lush. We hope you have all the information necessary to care for and grow the beautiful Philodendron Rojo Congo.

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  • Keith Wilson

    Keith Wilson is a well-respected gardening expert and author with a passion for all things related to vegetable gardening. With years of experience in the horticultural industry, Keith has developed a deep knowledge of plant care and cultivation techniques that he shares through his writing.

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