Calathea Fasciata Plant Care (Tips for Best Growth)

Calathea Fasciata will be your go-to plant if you are a foliage lover. The dark green leaves with subtle light green variegation create an artistic background for the plant’s delicate white flowers. It is an easy-to-grow plant, requiring less maintenance than other plants.

The plants have a high growth rate and are members of the Marantaceae family. This means they like to grow in positions away from direct sunlight.

You can grow the plant both indoors and outdoors based on your convenience. It is a perfect indoor plant; all you need to do is provide the plant with optimum growth and care conditions.

Calathea fasciata cannot survive in hard water, so be careful when watering. Normally, hard water contains many minerals, such as calcium carbonate, which prevents plants from growing well.

Calathea Fasciata Care

We recommend that you take these precautions into account when watering your plants for best Calathea Fasciata care. This plant seems easy on the eyes, thanks to its lush foliage. Apart from that, it has a glossy look that makes it attractive.

Our guide will help you take care of the plant properly. You will also learn about the growth and reproduction of this plant. Let’s go through the complete guide quickly.

Calathea Fasciata Overview:

Get an overview of Calathea Fasciata, including its name, family, native region, and care guidelines.

Common NameCalathea Fasciata
Scientific NameCalathea fasciata
Native toBrazil
Growth HabitHerbaceous perennial
Leaf PatternOval-shaped with white stripes
Leaf ColorDark green with silver stripes
LightMedium to bright indirect light
WateringKeep soil consistently moist
HumidityRequires high humidity levels
TemperaturePrefers warm temperatures (18-26°C)

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Calathea Fasciata Care and Maintenance:

Being a tropical plant, it requires little maintenance. All you have to do is take note of the light, soil and water requirements. This plant likes a hot and humid climate.

Keeping these care conditions in mind is helpful as they contribute to the proper growth and progress of appealing Fasciata.

The following are the step-by-step caring instructions for the plant:

Sunlight Preferences:

Bright indirect light is the right light to help this plant grow. You can also grow the plant in a semi-shade. A bright indirect light source will make this plant thrive indoors.

Plus, this kind of light is really important for indoor cultivation. Avoid exposing the plant to direct sunlight, which can cause the leaves to burn.

Continued exposure to direct sunlight can cause the leaves to burn out, affecting the plant’s appearance. If you want your plants to maintain their appearance, they should be exposed to indirect sunlight.

Experts say you should rotate the plant 90 degrees each week. Rotating the plant will make sure that all the parts of the plant receive the same quantity of light. 

Water Preferences:

Being tropical, the plant loves to grow with a regular water supply. Apart from that, it needs suitable, well-drained and moist soil. Make sure that the soil and water levels are accurate. By accuracy, we mean that you should water the plant regularly, and the soil should retain water perfectly. 

You should check the top two inches of soil before watering the plant. Plants need water when the soil dries. Therefore, it is helpful to maintain balance when watering plants. 

Excessive watering can stunt plant growth, and constant exposure to moisture can cause root rot. It also increases the chances of fungal infections. So you have to balance watering your plants and helping them grow. 

Moreover, try to opt for natural rainwater or distilled water, as tap water contains a lot of impurities and minerals that the plant dislikes. 

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Humidity Preferences:

High humidity levels for plants native to tropical regions are very important. If your house stays humid, there is no need to worry, but if its atmosphere stays dry. Then you should maintain humidity in the following ways:

Investing in an inexpensive humidifier and placing it in the room can help maintain humidity levels. 

You can also use the misting method on hot, dry days. Just use a regular spraying bottle and mist the plant using distilled water. But don’t overdo it, as it can lead to pest infections.  

Lastly, add a gravel tray beneath the pot, which can also help maintain moisture levels.

Fertilizer Preferences for Calathea Fasciata Care:

For the fertilization of the plant, you should maintain a frequency of 1-2 times a month, but only during the growing period. 

The prevalence of fertilizing plants depends on weather conditions. Your plants need more fertilizer in summer than in winter. We recommend stopping the fertilization routine in winter, but if you see that your plant needs it, then use it once every two months.

We recommend using a fertilizer that is a time-release fertilizer or a liquid-balanced wild plant fertilizer. Always dilute the fertilizer in water before adding it to the plant, as this will help it reach every part of the soil. 

Soil Preferences:

The best soil for tropical plants is porous, well-draining soil. Planting in a healthy and nutrient-rich potting mix is an ideal option to keep your plant happy. The soil should have all the elements. We recommend adding peat, perlite or compost for healthy growth and well-drainage.

You can use a commercial potting mix to grow Calathea Fasciata. You can obtain better results using a terracotta pot and light, airy soil. 

Temperature Preferences:

Temperature preference plays a very important role in Calathea Fasciata care. The suitable temperature for growing this plant is warm and humid. We recommend keeping the temperature between medium and high.

The suitable temperature range for this plant is 10 to 30 degrees Celsius. So keep your plants happy and in the maximum temperature range.

Pot preferences and Repotting:

Fasciata pots should always have drainage holes in the bottom. This helps maintain well-draining soil. Using this pot will help drain excess water from your plants. It is best to repot the plant at least once a year or when needed. 

Repotting the plant at a time helps with productive growth rates. Over time, the root system grows with the plant and can grow beyond the container the plant is in. Overgrown roots may emerge from the bottom of the pot or the topsoil.

Such growth indicates that Calathea Fasciata needs a new pot. Otherwise, it may be bound to the root. Root-bound plants have a limited growth rate. Too many roots in the pot will also change the properties of the soil. 

Calathea Fasciata should be repotted after one to two years. To repot a plant, carefully remove it from its existing pot. Before removing the plant, it should be watered for a day or two and the soil moistened. Once outside, plant in a larger pot with the same root depth as before. Fill the new pot with soil and water the plant deeply.

It is recommended to repot your Calathea Fasciata in the spring before the growing season, usually before summer and the warm season. 

Pruning Preferences:

Plant appearance needs to be maintained, and houseplants require frequent pruning. Additionally, pruning helps keep plants neat. Always use a clean and sterilized knife or cutter for pruning your plant. You can cut off any dead and infected parts during this process.

Air Purification:

One of the remarkable characteristics of this plant is that it helps purify the air and maintain a healthier indoor environment. This will keep the air of your house neat and clean, free from toxins. 

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Growing Habit of Calathea Fasciata:

The following points describe the growing habits of Calathea Fasciata:

Plant height is about 20 to 65 cm. Plants can reach a maximum height of 75 cm in suitable growing conditions. The leaves are round in shape and 5-6 cm long. The position of Calathea Fasciata is upright, and it spreads like a shrub. Permissive conditions help plants grow rapidly.

Calathea Fasciata Propagation:

Luckily, this plant is easy to propagate, and one of the standard methods of propagating this plant is by dividing the rhizome.

All you have to do is choose a healthy adult mother plant to propagate the new plant. The following methods are useful for propagation.

Storing the root part in a warm, moist place will help. It will help your baby’s plants to grow fully. 

Cover the pot with plastic wrap to keep it warm. It likes to be out of direct sunlight, so don’t put it in direct sunlight. The best time to propagate the plant is in spring or summer. You can also propagate the plant with water or cuttings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): 

What place is ideal for the Calathea plant in my house?

The best places to grow beautiful plants are north-facing windows or other areas with bright, indirect light. For this plant to grow well, it needs protection from the sun. You can also place it indoors or in a semi-shaded area.

What is a quick care guide for Calathea Fasciata?

For Calathea Fasciata to grow successfully, you must observe the following precautions. Give your plants a suitable plant fertilizer and use a balanced liquid fertilizer. Water the plants at the right time. Use a commercial general-purpose grounding compound. Rotate the plant 90 degrees once a week to encourage even growth.

Does Calathea root in water?

Yes, calathea fasciata can be propagated in water like any other plant. Even if you put it in water, it will take root easily, so you can also expose the cut stem to water.

How do you make Calathea Fasciata grow faster?

Optimal growing conditions, particularly damp soil and bright indirect light make this plant grow rapidly. Both of these conditions also help plants reach their max height.


In conclusion, Calathea Fasciata is a great plant to grow indoors and outdoors. The attractive designs on the leaves are appealing enough to decorate your garden and plant collection.

So what are you waiting for? Get one of these plants and enjoy the enchanting and purifying beauty of the Calathea Fasciata. Also, follow our best Calathea Fasciata care guide to grow the perfect plant.

It needs to be maintained with light, temperature, soil and humidity to encourage its growth and development. Enjoy the excellence of these glossy plants; trust us, this plant never disappoints.

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  • Keith Wilson

    Keith Wilson is a well-respected gardening expert and author with a passion for all things related to vegetable gardening. With years of experience in the horticultural industry, Keith has developed a deep knowledge of plant care and cultivation techniques that he shares through his writing.

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